Sunday, November 29, 2009

The First Donation

Well I am a believer in getting the ball rolling as soon as possible. So after deducting the donation at Church today, I figured out how much we need to donate to bring the total to 10% of my paycheck last Friday. I then logged onto the San Diego Food Banks website and donated that to feed the hungry.

So the first donation is complete.

We are right with God now.

Not sure where that money we just gave God will come from to pay some important bills, but I have faith God will provide a way.

Until then, I did a payday advance from Wells Fargo. LOL. God may work in mysterious ways - but Wells Fargo is doing Gods job until God comes through on his part of the bargain. Rent is due in a few days and they won't understand that God has some of the rent money.

I want to make a note that while we don't know where we are supposed to get an extra 10% of our money to donate to God - everything we have right now is provided from God. It is all an illusion. Or better put, it is all on loan anyways. God can take what we have at any moment. So I say we already have that 10%. We always had that 10% - we just kept it for ourselves.

We will count on God to help us pay the bills. We are not going to keep putting God at the bottom of the priority list. God is the true source of our current income anyways - so really we are just giving God back the money he gave us any ways.

Sigh....leap of faith I tell you.

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