Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I am curious who will read this blog post just by seeing the word reflections.

To some of us, that word is what we are currently focused on. So if you are one of those focused individuals, this post is for you.

But this will be a short post.

More than anything this post serves as a synchronicity that you are on the correct path.

So in short what are reflections?

The most obvious is if you look into a mirror you will see your own reflection.

On a grander level if you walk around downtown you will see reflections of yourself in others. What does that mean? It means we're all the same person on a grander scheme - playing out some individual roles.

When you see someone - you are seeing a reflection of yourself. Contemplate that for a while.

Those people are you working on a different objective than yourself. Empathy towards others really is empathy towards yourself and its challenges.

Have you ever heard the saign "How We See Others Impacts How We See Ourselves". That is all about self-esteem.

The short of this post is about creating more empathy in the world. It is important to realize that you are helping yourself when you help others in this world.

To hate another person for any reason is to hate a part of yourself. While that person may be doing things you find offensive, empathy is required nonetheless in order to help that person overcome the thing they are struggling with.

Consider yourself an atom on a finger on an arm on a body. The other atoms are other people in this world. But you are all on the same finger on the same arm on the same body. Hating yourself accomplished nothing and manifests excuses to prevent the work of growth.

That is all.

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