Friday, December 18, 2009

Helping A Mother 4 The Motherless

God works in mysterious ways.

On my craig's list ad for Operation Santa Clause a writer for Ocean Beach newspaper called me and wanted to volunteer to help out and to write a story about what we were doing.

Galina was her name and she gave me a link to her online stories. The paper is a real paper - but her stories are also published online.

One of here stories was about a women who has 8 foster kids - i think 8 is the right number. She is a trooper. The title of the story is "Mother for the motherless".

Talking to Galina at our Operation Santa Clause meeting last Saturday, I told her I am always looking for opportunities to help others. She then mentioned LaShawn. Galina wanted me to know she is very deserving of any help we can offer her.

I decided then that if God could make a way for us to help her out this Christmas, we would.

There wasn't any money left over from Operation Santa Clause to help LaShawn.

But God can make things happen.

My work Christmas bonus this year was above what I expected and I decided I would tithe my 10% of it to LaShawn.

I got LaShawn's contact information from Galina and tonight I delivered her a little gift from God.

I had that 22lb turkey my work gives to staff everyone year for Thanksgiving. I had been asking God to help me donate that to someone in need this holiday season.

So LaShawn got that 22lb turkey and a Christmas card with 10% of my holiday bonus.

Who knows what that means to LaShawn and her familiy - only God knows.

What I love is how God brought us all together. God brought in Galina and Galina brought in LaShawn.

Another great deed that should bear fruit in a world going through difficult times.

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