Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Food Drive @ my work

I am constantly listening to God for opportunities to do his work.

My company is big on charity and this year, like the ones in the past, we had a holiday food drive for the San Diego Food Bank.

This year they decided to offer one raffle ticket for each food item donated or for each $1 donated online (up to $20).

So I went shopping and bought 45 items - Mac-N-Cheese, tuna, rice, etc. I got my 45 raffle tickets and fed a lot more families.

Then one hour before the work Christmas

party, I went online and donated another $20.

Total raffle tickets was 65.

At the holiday party they have all the gifts on display and bags in front of each of them. You can put your raffle tickets in any bag you want - increasing your chances of winning that particular gift.

I put the majority of my tickets in two bags - a digital camera and a digital frame.

I won both!

The camera was a Costco camera valued at $140 and the digital frame had a value of $80.

It was a wonderful feeling finally winning something at a work raffle - I never have won anything at any company party.

Of course in my mind the first thing I thought was should I re-gift one or both of these or perhaps give one of them to another coworker who did not win.

BUT - we must learn to receive as well as give. I decided God wanted to give to me and so I am going to receive these gifts with an open heart and no guilt.

I really wanted that digital frame and camera. WooHoo!

This is just another drop of abundance entering our lives from the law of money.

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