Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The World Is Full Of Charity Opportunities

Now that my mind is open to charity I have noticed there are so many opportunities to give.

- I have a friend who is running in a jingle bell run/walk for arthritis.
- At work we are participating in the holiday food drive.
- At church they are taking donations and food items to provide food baskets for needing families this Christmas.

I am realizing I will need to start budgeting our donation money so we can cover several charities.

I did get a personal email, not a form letter, from a coordinator at the San Diego Food Bank thanking us for our generous donation. I did not realize this but for cash donations from their website, every $1 you donate provides for 5 meals!

The reason $1 goes so far is the cash donations allow them to buy food in bulk from whole-sellers.

I looked at their website and there are volunteer opportunities. Their main warehouse is in Miramar, which is 15 minutes from my house. You can volunteer to pack food sacks for delivery, sort out the food bins, back office help, etc. They have an easy volunteer process and opportunities literally every day of the week - night and days, weekends too.

So I think I will volunteer soon.

We also organize a married couples group in San Diego and I am working with the San Diego Food Bank to see what opportunities we can coordinate with our group. I know there are many generous people in our group and it seems like a great idea to provide some giving back opportunities.

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