Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Jacket Found A HomeToday

Today was a cold day. Tomorrow will be even worse as a storm hits San Diego, followed by another storm coming after it in in four days.

I thought today was a good day to find my old heavy jacket a new home.

This tithing idea was started with the original thought of giving that jacket to a homeless person downtown.

Me and my wife went to Coco's for breakfast and then afterward we drove downtown looking for someone to give the jacket to.

Now keep in mind this is a very heavy leather jacket full of thick lambs wool. The kind of jacket that will keep you warm in the deepest snow. It was water proof and had a detachable hood.

We found a homeless man named Mark. We gave Mark the jacket and whatever cash was in my wallet at the time. Mark was very thankful. We talked to Mark for about 2 minutes as Mark told us a little about himself. We both shook Marks hand.

People have reservations about touching a homeless persons hands, but the way we saw it this was Gods work and it needed to be personal. Mark turned out to be very friendly.

I hope that jacket brings a little bit of God in Marks life and keeps him warm in the colder days to come.

For me this fulfills my promise to donate the jacket to a homeless person downtown. It was important to donate the jacket in person and not through a charity. I wanted to see the difference in person it makes.

Me and my wife thought it was a coincidence that his name was Mark, after one of the writers of the four gospels.

Anyways, the journey continues.

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