Friday, December 18, 2009

Operation Santa Clause - Huge Success!

We received over $800 in cash donations, $260 in toy donations, and a $25 gift card donation - for a total donation of $1085! All in less than 8 days.

We spent about $980 cash on presents and Visa cards, plus we used the toy and gift card donations. We were able to provide Christmas for all Ten families for about $1265.

The social worker came to pickup the ten hefty bags of presents and I imagine the girl scout troupe who volunteered to wrap all the gifts are still wrapping them right now

This was the San Diego Grass Root Giving first major charity effort. I would have liked to have seen more volunteers helping out, but you cannot expect people to drop everything on a hats notice.

I really feel God was working through me to accomplish this wonderful thing. We really accomplished something great this holiday season. I cannot even imagine the good this will cause for those ten families and also all the people who donated money or came to our meeting organizing the efforts for this.

God works in mysterious ways and makes differences in people's lives in unique and unexpected ways.

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